

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Month of the wolf moon

It's January 2019 already and I want to mention that this month the full moon is called Wolf Moon. Right now the moon is a crescent waning moon as its traditionally called by pagans, poets, scholars and farmers. We'll get the full Supermoon on the 21st. Also if you live in north America, you'll witness a lunar eclipse.
Up ahead over the following course of the month, will be other activities. On the 3rd and 4th January will be the Quadrantids meteor shower, only visible depending on if the sky is clear or not. The New Moon will make an appearance like a completely invisible dark moon on the 6th. No one can see the New Moon although this doesn't mean it can't totally be seen by powerful telescopes. At the same time Venus becomes at 47 degrees from the sun or Greatest Western Elongation. Venus looks extremely bright in the sky, and can be observed with the naked eye even on cloudy skies! A lot on the 6th is happening because there is a partial solar eclipse that will be observed in the east, Pacific, Russia and Asia.
The Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter on the 22nd. To find out what that means visit this link.
Venus and Jupiter When the curve lines up
A frosty landscape with stunning sky displays.
Happy 2019 and Howls to you all ^^

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