

Tuesday 6 February 2018

One Million Years B.C.

The first dinosaur film that I ever watched was "One Million Years B.C.". I was only four years old and eating buttered corn at the time, as I sat on a stool in front of the TV, amazed by the film full of dinosaurs. It was incredible for a child who lived during the late 1970's, after being introduced to monsters by my horror fanatic aunt. I had a book all about dinosaurs at that age. So this film was nice setting for a dinosaur-keen four year old.
I've watched this movie hundreds of times since then. Whenever it comes on TV, I will watch it. There's something magical about this 1966 movie with it's archaic CGI creatures and the cave dwellers are fun to watch. I don't like this 21st Century snobbery against old classic films just because of their basic special effects. To me, the special effects are special affects that are just as wonderful as old masterpiece paintings.
Then there is the nerdy spoilsports who keep dissing the film because "in the Earth's true history, dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago, long before humans ever existed and so humans never lived with dinosaurs, blah blah blah". It doesn't matter does it, because "One Million Years B.C." is a fantasy film. It isn't a documentary.
The film is a remake of a 1940 film "One Million Years B.C." that I've not seen yet. The story is the same, with humans and dinosaurs living in a hostile world. The 1966 film is the most well known and most watched. I'll get around to watching the earlier version. The 1966 film stars Requel Welch, John Richardson, Percy Herbert and Martine Beswick. It was a Hammer Production. Hammer is most rcognised as being the film that creates all of the horror flicks. It also made fantasy and science fiction films too.
The film is not accurate with history but so what. The film might have "old fashioned" special effects but this is what makes the film so magical. The dinosaurs might not look as brilliant as those dinosaurs in "Jurassic Park" but indeed, people can be so cynical. Some of the monsters in the film "One Million Years B.C." are real, and not puppets or animations. They're the lizards, the warthog, goat, turtle and giant spider. Others like the pteradons and dinos are creations by animator Ray Harryhausen. Harryhausen also did work for "Jason and the Argonauts" and "Clash of the Titans".
I rate this movie a 9/10. A film that was set so long ago when there were people living in caves and there are dinosaurs. We could see how the dinosaurs became extinct (in the movie)! The sound effects are awesome, eerie and primal.
Favourite piece: Monster fights.
Downside: Just the fur bikinis and 60's hairstyles.

Howls ^^

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved this film too, and Ray Harryhausens (very) special effects, along with 'The Land that Time Forgot' and many others from the period.
