

Tuesday 9 March 2021

The creepiness of Lavender Town

 Lavender Town is a location in the Pokemon universe, which is the darkest and scariest of all places of the beloved anime series. My very first exposure to Pokemon at all was back in the mid 1990's when news reports about an episode from the Japanese TV series called Pokemon caused epilepsy in children. That episode is called "Computer Warrior Porygon" and involves vibrating colours flashing blue and red. This was named "Pokemon shock" because of the vast number of kids going to hospital for seizures. Afterwards, that infamous episode was banned. Yet this event was said to be connected to a creepy pasta called "Lavender Town syndrome". It was a dark story about the music from Lavender Town causing bad things to happen among Japanese children. Although fictional, it was taken seriously enough for many to fear the Lavender Town tune itself. So what is this place? Lavender Town is haunted, and mainly a residential place for dead pokemons. There is a giant tomb called Lavender Tower where ghosts and mourners live! However, the eerie music of this spooky village is the same music score in Pokemon Go! Of course there are a number of paranormal stories attached with this game!

Enjoy your day!

She Wolf Night team

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