

Thursday 28 December 2023

Paranormal experiences of Santa


While ghosts, UFO's and Bigfoot are much known topics about the paranormal, there are less known and weirder stories involving the supernatural, like sightings of Santa Claus. Many people would not even admit it because Santa doesn't exist, or so they tell us. But why should people see Santa Claus then? I will mention a few of these cases and then offer sources.

Back in 2000 a small boy living in Bristol, England, was woken up by the sound of heavy footsteps on the floor downstairs and the sound of bells above him. He believed it was Santa Claus, and so he sneaked downstairs to have a peek. He remembered seeing a very large man putting presents around the tree, and the boy soon quietly went back upstairs to bed. The next day he told everyone what he saw. No one in his family believed him when he told him them what he'd seen. 

In 2003, a girl was in bed on Christmas Eve night, when she was sure that Santa was outside of the house. There was a vivid red light shining through her bedroom window that came from a silent object in the sky, which convinced her that it was Father Christmas. There was no sound at all apart from a tinkling of bells and the scurrying of hooves on the rooftop. Soon the sounds and the red light vanished.

There are more Santa experiences posted HERE on Liveabout article by paranormal researcher Stephen Wagner who has collected stories about people's strange sightings. Some are very interesting while others can be easily explained. 

My own experience happened when I was 9 years old, during Christmas Eve, I heard the clear sound of sleigh bells coming from the sky. I don't know what it was. 

Now after doing a lot of research, many people claimed to have experienced a Santa like being when they were children. Perhaps it was an over active childhood imagination? Or misinterpreted something else? Another paranormal even such as UFO or a haunting that a young kid believed was Santa because it happened over Christmas? One thing is for sure that there's more to the universe than we know. 

Strange Dimensions on Santa sightings page HERE..

Boston Globe article on paranormal Santa Claus HERE

She Wolf Night 

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