Also on the subject of UFO's, a strange object seen flying over the Bahamas was captured on film. It happened in late December 2024 and the unknown craft looked like a glowing light changing colour. The film was take from a plane. There was believed to be too high up to be a drone and didn't move like balloons would. To find the clip of this sighting visit UAP Files on X.
There are ghosts of people and animals but there are ghosts of places not really there too. In the Caspian Sea there is a strange phantom island. Satellites Landsat 8 and 9 picked up an island in the Caspian Sea near Azerbaijan but later it simply disappeared. Some believe it's caused by a mud volcano. To read more visit Earth Observatory page at Nasa.
Somewhat alien related news, they just found another earthlike exoplanet. This one is a "super earth" planet because it's much bigger than our world. It travels around its star in a different fashion than we do, meaning their seasons would be interesting. It's about 20 light years away, which is pretty close. So far there's been 1,679 earthlike planets discovered. More on Exoplanet archives here.
There's a creepy giant face found on satellite images over Antarctica. Some people describe it looking like an alien. Google Maps with the image can be located and view the article and image go to the Daily Mail page.
She Wolf Night
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