

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Creepy coincidences in Erdington

This eerie coincidence happened in a suburb village called Erdington, near Birmingham in England. Erdington itself was always a quiet sleepy place near a Roman road, with a mention in the Domesday Book. Surrounded by thick chase forests of wild animals, few of the villagers ever attended its church that fell into decay. This might be down to low population ever since the Bubonic Plague. Canals, railways, farms and mansions have sprung up over the ages in Erdington, making this a ward of Birmingham with many interesting features. A quiet sleepy village with two tornadoes in 1981. The most famous news to come out of Erdington are chilling coincidences of two murders 160 years apart.

In 1817, a 20 year old woman named Mary Ashford died on Whit Monday, 26th May. She had been a cheerful pretty girl with lots of admirers and had enjoyed a party late at night. She once confided in a friend that she had felt "bad feelings about the week to come". That evening she set off to the party at Tyburn House, had fun dancing and met a man there named Abraham Thornton. After midnight she was with Abraham and went home, but she was found dead in a ditch of Chester Road at 8 a.m. 

Abraham Thornton was the last person to see Mary alive. He was accused of murdering her. This went to trail and it came out that Abraham raped Mary so everything pointed at him being guilty. Then he was soon acquitted after no evidence was found and alibis came to the trial. The brother of Mary felt angry and wanted the trial reopened. The public all despised Abraham Thornton, so that he fled the country. 

Eerily similar was a murder in 1974, of another 20 year old woman who was found dead in the same ditch at Chester Road. The victim was named Barbara Forrest who vanished on Whit Monday after going to a dance. Police arrested a man named Michael Ian Thornton, who last saw Barbara alive and showed blood stains on his clothes. He was sent to trial and found not guilty due to lack of evidence, and alibi coming forward, making Barbara's sister angry who wanted the trial reopened. Before she died, Barbara had once told a friend "This is going to be my unlucky month. I just know it. Don't ask me why." There are many similarities of both cases. 

She Wolf Night

Sunday, 16 February 2025

The Pooka

The Pooka is a cryptid and a creature of legends. They're found throughout folklore in England, Ireland and the Channel Isles. Also called Phouka, Puca, Puck, Pookah, pwca and pucai. 

They're understood to be shapeshifters that take on many forms, from various animals and people. In human form, they may have animalistic traits such as a pair of fox ears, antlers or a bushy tail. These are a type of fairy, of the goblin variety. They are mischievous and play pranks, but they can be bringers of good luck. It really much depends on how they're treated.

For their description, they have large shining gold eyes. They can be either dark haired or very light blonde haired. When taking on beastly forms, they can have either black fur or white fur. It's said that they have a contradictory relationship with humans, as they can help people and look after agriculture, protect livestock and crops. Or they can be dangerous to farms and fishing communities.   

It's believed that the Pooka taint blackberries during Samhain by spitting on them, so people are warned not to eat them. Halloween is also named "Pooka Night". More mischief games of the Pooka is taking form of talking horses, luring people to mount them just so they can give them scary wild rides. Sometimes those people are never seen again. To protect oneself from this happening, people have carried sharp metal spurs so that if they might end up on the backs of Pooka, they can use the spurs to take control and get off safely. 

The Pooka has a much darker side. It's believed they have traits of vampires, as they have a big craving for blood. Oh and they're very carnivorous and like eating human flesh! Whatever you do when you're out, make sure that you don't get on the backs of strange horses!   

Extra tales of Pooka found at the Emerald Isles website here.

She Wolf Night 

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Snow moon

The full moon in February is known as the Snow Moon. Other names of the February full moon are hungry moon, ice moon, storm moon and bear moon. We'll get the full Snow Moon appearing on the 12th February tonight, just in time for Valentine's Day. February is said to be the coldest part of the year with the most snowfall.  February itself is a hard time especially for animals seeking food and everyone snuggled indoors to keep away the cold. Temperatures plunge when thick heavy settled snow buries the ground and hides plants, making it difficult for small creatures to forage. Birds hide in their nests. Certain wildlife such deer, muskox, arctic foxes, squirrels and penguins enjoy winter and thrive in it.

While it's a bleak month, February is the lightest and shortest Winter month. The days gradually get longer and brighter as we experience more sunlight. The cold is one thing but celebrations of Imbolc, Disting and Valentine's Day are full of positivity, hope and warmth. 

February is a strange month compared to other months of the year, because it has different number of days, such as the 28 days usually, but the odd 29th day is a Leap Year. Often those born on the 29th February are "Leap Year children" whose birthdays miss out on the normal years when there's just 28 days in February. While February is the second month of the year, it was the last month of the Roman calendar. February is the last month of Winter in the northern hemisphere but the last month of Summer in the Southern hemisphere. 

She Wolf Night

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Dark side of Valentine's Day

While the season of Valentine's Day approaches, many exchange gifts, flowers, chocolates and cards for affection. It's a cute fluffy natured celebration, with decorations of love hearts and roses. It's a holiday for lovers. However, it's got a dark eerie aspect to it that's forgotten or hid away. Many have been hushed about it and kept it's creepy meaning locked up inside a dungeon.

The earliest period of celebrating Valentine's Day was connected to a Roman holiday in ancient times. This was called Lupercalia, and a pagan celebration of fertility. It was much more horrific than modern Valentines' Day. Lupercalia involved animal sacrifices, lottery love games and women chased in the streets by naked men carrying whips. It was a wild event that spanned three days, the 13th, 14th and 15th February. It was to honour Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, their foster mother Lupa the she-wolf and their den at Lupercal in the Palatine Hill. 

However much more happened later to shift the Lupercalia celebration to the softer Valentines Day. This was by Pope Gelasius, who changed this holiday's name to Valentine's Day in 496 AD. He altered the pagan meaning and transformed it to mean about romantic love. Valentines Day is named after a priest called St Valentine who was responsible for organising secret weddings between lovers. This happened during a time when Emperor Claudius II banned marriage. So when St Valentine's activities were discovered, he was arrested and put to death. 

Also there are many spooky rites initiated on Valentine's season. Just the night before Valentine's Day, at midnight, go to a graveyard and then run around a church twelve times and a vision of your future lover would appear as a ghost, or you may see other visions. If done properly this should work, according to superstition. The age of chivalry during the Middle Ages was abundant in strange creepy rituals for Valentines Day. This includes hollowed out turnips with lights flickering inside. There was a return to the Roman Lupercalia lottery love-match game in Medieval England, and also until the 17th century throughout the British Isles, played during parties and drew names out of a jar. There were love potions women drank, a mixture of leeks and earthworms! Tasty!   

She Wolf Night

Monday, 3 February 2025

Spooky quicks February 2025

 There was a number of paranormal sightings in the past month or so. Many of them includes UFO sightings over Türkiye for days. Such incidents happened mainly at the Istanbul airspace where warning TCAS was sent out to Pilots. These were made when unidentified objects were seen too dangerously close to flight paths. The control tower spent hours sending out traffic alerts to pilots so they avoid collisions. No one knew what these objects were, some regard them as the phenomena of mystery drones that have been appearing over airports in other countries. Visit Turkiye Today for info.

Also on the subject of UFO's, a strange object seen flying over the Bahamas was captured on film. It happened in late December 2024 and the unknown craft looked like a glowing light changing colour. The film was take from a plane. There was believed to be too high up to be a drone and didn't move like balloons would. To find the clip of this sighting visit UAP Files on X.

There are ghosts of people and animals but there are ghosts of places not really there too. In the Caspian Sea there is a strange phantom island. Satellites Landsat 8 and 9 picked up an island in the Caspian Sea near Azerbaijan but later it simply disappeared. Some believe it's caused by a mud volcano. To read more visit Earth Observatory page at Nasa.

Somewhat alien related news, they just found another earthlike exoplanet. This one is a "super earth" planet because it's much bigger than our world. It travels around its star in a different fashion than we do, meaning their seasons would be interesting. It's about 20 light years away, which is pretty close. So far there's been 1,679 earthlike planets discovered. More on Exoplanet archives here.

There's a creepy giant face found on satellite images over Antarctica. Some people describe it looking like an alien. Google Maps with the image can be located and view the article and image go to the Daily Mail page.

She Wolf Night