

Friday, 17 January 2025

Peter Stubbe

This man is described as "the likeness of a greedy, devouring wolf," whose eyes "sparkled like "fire" at night. His mouth was "great and wide" full of "sharp and cruel teeth". His large size included "mighty paws." He was named Peter Stubbe, and he was referred to as a "great wicked sorcerer". No ordinary man, he was the true bad wolf from stories like "Little Red Riding Hood". A predator who targeted people especially children and pregnant women. He was a vile serial killer responsible for the deaths of so many innocent lives. What's more is that he was a werewolf.

Peter Stubbe (also spelt Peter Stumpp) was born in 1530 at Bedburg in Germany. Not much is clear about his birth or parents, except that he grew up to become a respected "gentleman" farmer. At some point he married and had two children, a son and daughter. Then became widowed in 1580 and raised his children as a single father. His daughter's name was Beele (maybe shortened from Sybil) and yet nothing is known about the name of his son.

He admitted later at the trial that he made a pact with the devil. He was given a magic girdle that made him transform into a wolf. While most believe werewolves transform during a full moon, because this is a type of curse, Peter Stubbe turned into a wolf whenever he left like it, just by wearing a magic girdle. Stubbe could suck the blood of animals, women and children. What he also did to pregnant women was horrific. Peter was also involved in cannibalism, and he went into details about eating his poor victims at the trail. In 1589 Stubbe was executed on a Catherine Wheel, in Cologne, Germany. He became known as the Bedburg Werewolf. His mistress named Katherina Trump and also his eldest daughter Beele Stubbe were both executed as werewolves. 

She Wolf Night 

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