

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

The Black Fox of Salmon River

There is a curious story about a mysterious fox or better known as Black Fox of Salmon River. This is set in Winchester, Connecticut, at the Salmon River, which is popular for fishing. The folklore of the black fox is darker than night, and it's appearance can turn people mad. It's really not a good idea to look at it too long. 

There is a poem about this cryptid written by John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892) in Legends of New England. The poem is about the black fox appearing in winter, in the forest between oaks and where a hemlock tree used to be. A hunter encountered it and saw its eyes were "fiery". He was so unnerved that he shot it with his rifle, but the fox was very quick and faster than a mountain lion. It's said the fox howled like a thing from Hell, but even long after this, the hunter was haunted by the black fox lurking outside. This then went onto say it was a curse and once lived as a hobomock, an evil spirit of Native American legends. 

During winter seasons when the river runs full of fish, this is the mysterious Black Fox's favourite time. Many people have tried catching it. But with doing so unleashes a curse. To read the entire epic poem visit this link at The Supernatural Fox Sisters page HERE.

She Wolf Night 

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Ghost of Applewhite Bridge

 There is a bizarre ghost that haunts Elm Creek, Applewhite Bridge in San Antonio, Texas. The Applewhite Bridge is very old, and is found along Applewhite Road. This bridge has also been called Donkey Lady Bridge, as it's believed a curious spirit has been witnessed there. No one knows who the spirit used to be, although this entity has been feared by locals for a very long time. 

The ghost is believed to be the spirit of a woman who drowned there, although no one can give an exact time of when this happened. It might've been during the 19th or early 20th centuries. Some believe she kept a donkey and they both drowned. Others think she might've been a woman who was abused by her husband and drowned in the river. Or that she was disfigured after escaping a fire and then entered the river to drown. The details vary and become more twisted and tragic. Some who've seen the ghost describe her looking half human and half donkey.

The Donkey Lady (as the spirit is called) has behaved malicious and attacks people and properties. Those who were unfortunate enough to see her were scratched by her, while others found blood on their car windows. The Donkey Lady has also smashed windows. Also the chilling sounds of the spooky ghost woman crying and a donkey braying can be heard at night coming from the nearby woods. Mysterious hoofprints were discovered the following day. 

She Wolf Night

Friday, 17 January 2025

Peter Stubbe

This man is described as "the likeness of a greedy, devouring wolf," whose eyes "sparkled like "fire" at night. His mouth was "great and wide" full of "sharp and cruel teeth". His large size included "mighty paws." He was named Peter Stubbe, and he was referred to as a "great wicked sorcerer". No ordinary man, he was the true bad wolf from stories like "Little Red Riding Hood". A predator who targeted people especially children and pregnant women. He was a vile serial killer responsible for the deaths of so many innocent lives. What's more is that he was a werewolf.

Peter Stubbe (also spelt Peter Stumpp) was born in 1530 at Bedburg in Germany. Not much is clear about his birth or parents, except that he grew up to become a respected "gentleman" farmer. At some point he married and had two children, a son and daughter. Then became widowed in 1580 and raised his children as a single father. His daughter's name was Beele (maybe shortened from Sybil) and yet nothing is known about the name of his son.

He admitted later at the trial that he made a pact with the devil. He was given a magic girdle that made him transform into a wolf. While most believe werewolves transform during a full moon, because this is a type of curse, Peter Stubbe turned into a wolf whenever he left like it, just by wearing a magic girdle. Stubbe could suck the blood of animals, women and children. What he also did to pregnant women was horrific. Peter was also involved in cannibalism, and he went into details about eating his poor victims at the trail. In 1589 Stubbe was executed on a Catherine Wheel, in Cologne, Germany. He became known as the Bedburg Werewolf. His mistress named Katherina Trump and also his eldest daughter Beele Stubbe were both executed as werewolves. 

She Wolf Night 

Friday, 10 January 2025

Wolf moon

The full moon this month will appear on Monday 13th January. It will be the bright long full moon lasting three days, and offer plenty of illumination at night during frost and cold. January full moons are called Wolf Moon, as it's named because of wolves howling during an active time. The name Wolf Moon for January is originally from Celtic and Old English tradition. 

Wolves howl at the moon is often considered a motif for eerie gothic horrors and setting a scary atmosphere. It makes people feel vulnerable at night as the sound of wolves howling is primal and reminds everyone of dangers lurking out in the darkness. The truth is that while sometimes wolves howl during the full moon, they howl when there isn't a full moon. Wolves don't really howl at the moon. They howl as this is their way of communicating with other wolves. Various howls have different meanings, that can be about hunting and calling one another. As wolves are nocturnal, it just seems they're howling at the moon but they're not.

It's always been believed that wolves are connected to the full moon. This idea mainly comes from superstition and folklore. The full moon doesn't influence wolves into their howling and hunting. However they appear much more active during the full moon only because it's brightest. But amongst a lot of myths are the werewolves, humans that transform into wolves during the full moon. These are made into popular stories on films and in books, but the werewolf legends come from ancient times. 

The January full moon is Wolf Moon and a time for deep thinking. During the long harsh winter, January is a time for inner reflection, mindfulness, family and caring. Wolves are social animals with a deep consideration towards their pack, nurturing and raising young. They howl also to let other wolves know about their territories, and to help call out any lost wolves. This means we look out for one another and people showing some compassion towards each other in the winter season. 

She Wolf Night

Monday, 6 January 2025


There is a sinister character who appears in early January according to folklore tradition. This is a witch riding on her broomstick, entering peoples houses late at night while everyone is asleep. She appears on the eve of Epiphany, the night of 5th January, so check out if you've seen anything mysterious that wasn't the same before you went to bed! Her name is Befana, and she's recognised as a visitor all throughout Italy and other countries in Europe. 

For centuries people have feared her arrival on the Epiphany Eve night, so they tried to ward her off. Dolls and effigies have been made in her likeness, and then put on the fire to burn. Children may find toys and sweets if they've been good, as well behaved kids make Befana pleased! Badly behaved kids are on Befana's naughty list and they don't get anything nice. No, instead, she'll leave horrible gifts for them such as coal and mud. Befana is either liked by children or hated by them. 

To do what she does, she flies on her broomstick and enters houses through a chimney or window, but despite modern houses, she can still enter. Befana is described as a frightening figure with sharp teeth and catlike eyes, also an old woman, dressed in a black cape or shawl, long white silver hair, claw like nails, carries a basket and dressed in rags. It's believed that anyone who saw her would be in terrible danger. It's worth mentioning that Epiphany is sometimes referred to as a "mini Christmas" in Italy, with Befana becoming more benign and sweet natured in modern times to do a Santa type job. She's been called Mrs Santa by some people, the Italian version of Mother Holly and Frau Perchta of German folklore. She's similar to the Scottish fairy witch Nicnevin. Befana has roots in Roman times also connected to the ancient goddess Strenia of the new year. 

She Wolf Night 

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Spooky quicks January 2025


The new year will bring new things. A fresh chapter of something else on the horizon with the start of many weird events in this entry. I'll begin the new year of January with the following interesting stuff, which you can make your own conclusions about.

A light anomaly appeared to throw a man falling unconscious. It happened in Columbia and this strange event was caught on camera. He needed to go to hospital afterwards. To view that clip on Youtube GO HERE.

A new photograph of Bigfoot has caused a lot of interest recently. It was captured in Greasewood, Arizona by a woman who was working on her farm, and claims weird noises drew her attention to the creature. The image was posted by a relative online, where it circulated around the web and got fame. To see the photo look at the documentary on Youtube and HERE IT IS

Christmas really did have a bunch of hauntings and paranormal visits. Among that is a video clip posted on social media revealing a toy elf moving all on its own. This toy sits with other elves by a Christmas tree and then it begins dancing. To watch that visit TikTok link HERE.  

Ghost wolves are active on their territories too. Last year Marco McDewey was in the forest of Newport, Washington filming with a night camera set up. There was a group of deer in the forest and then a spirit of a wolf appeared. Go watch it on Youtube to see it.

She Wolf Night