There is a curious story about a mysterious fox or better known as Black Fox of Salmon River. This is set in Winchester, Connecticut, at the Salmon River, which is popular for fishing. The folklore of the black fox is darker than night, and it's appearance can turn people mad. It's really not a good idea to look at it too long.
There is a poem about this cryptid written by John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892) in Legends of New England. The poem is about the black fox appearing in winter, in the forest between oaks and where a hemlock tree used to be. A hunter encountered it and saw its eyes were "fiery". He was so unnerved that he shot it with his rifle, but the fox was very quick and faster than a mountain lion. It's said the fox howled like a thing from Hell, but even long after this, the hunter was haunted by the black fox lurking outside. This then went onto say it was a curse and once lived as a hobomock, an evil spirit of Native American legends.
During winter seasons when the river runs full of fish, this is the mysterious Black Fox's favourite time. Many people have tried catching it. But with doing so unleashes a curse. To read the entire epic poem visit this link at The Supernatural Fox Sisters page HERE.
She Wolf Night