

Thursday 3 October 2024

Spooky quicks October 2024

Here is a few paranormal related news stories that I wanted to catch up on and mention also. As we're now in October, the veil is lowering, which means that there will be darker hours as the sunlight is less, making nights grow longer, and a time when it's believed spirits are more active.

There's been an internet sensation about a certain natural phenomena that seems to be unusual. These are strange looking optical illusions in clouds that resemble humans, angels, gods, giants and spirits. The New York Post recently mentioned a weird looking cloud formation that was caught on camera, and it shows a shining giant humanoid figure walking on top of a cloud. Many suggest this is simply natural and not unexplained at all even though the clouds move in the opposite direction to the walking sky person! Check this video out on Youtube: Mysterious cloud person

Next in Morelia, Mexico, a Virgin Mary statue in a church cried tears of blood. According to some news outlets, this has been happening since June 2024. That particular statue is Our Lady of Guadalupe, with crowds of religious people visiting. The Catholic Church are investigating it but it's not the first time this has happened before. More about weeping statues at Wikipedia

Strange creatures now: In Argentina, a farmer was violently attacked by a goblin and he was left with bruises. The goblin was caught on camera. Check this out here: Goblin clip Youtube Planeta TV.

Clear shining metallic UFO pictured in the sky above Xiamen city in China. Go and see this for yourself by clicking on the link posted by Nelson Valdez on X

An Australian swimmer named Duncan Roberts was taking a dip in the famous lake Loch Ness in Scotland when he encountered a mysterious creature in the water. He was doing a charity swim there, in water that was murky and dark, when he found himself being nudged and bashed by something large underwater, but the actual creature itself is unknown. He didn't see anything because his eyes were closed while swimming under the water.

That will be all for now.

She Wolf Night

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