

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Werewolf cheer!


Happy Christmas and Happy Yule season. Enjoy the Christmas holidays. In folklore it's believed that those born on the 25th December are werewolves. There's nothing to worry about though. This idea comes from the Middle Ages and possibly also the ancient Greeks. It's a magical trait these babies have who were born on Christmas Day, in order to protect their villages and flocks from outside animal predators. Some say only boys born on Christmas day become werewolves and girls become witches and healers. Kind of like the birth of new stars and home guardians. Anyway enjoy the season, have good cheer and be merry!

She Wolf Night

Thursday, 19 December 2024


There is a ghost in Norwegian folklore that frightens children each Christmas. Her name is Lussi, and she appears as a pale spectre at the windows who screeches in anger. Her purpose is to check on everyone at home each night of December leading up to Christmas Day and make sure that all household chores have been done. Because if not, she would strike people down and damage the chimneys. Lussi could also become mostly active on the 12th and 13th December, which is the most scariest time. As we just had the 13th December on a Friday, it makes it all the more creepy.  

If this isn't scary enough, Lussi brings paranormal creatures with her including trolls and demons and the Oskorei or Wild Hunt. Her reputation became known as Lussi Langnatt or "Lussi Long Night". The 12th and 13th December have been associated with Lussi because it's during a time when spirits and the undead walk. It was once the longest night of the year in the old sense before switching to the modern calendar. People have been too afraid to go out on such nights as Lussi and her evil hunters will kidnap them. It's a time when animals could talk to each other and many other magical events. 

It's connected to the fun festival of Saint Lucy, which is a Swedish celebration that reveals her to be a pretty young woman dressed all in white, with a crown of leaves and candles. Children sing Lucy songs and eat special buns and cakes. It's almost like a mystical time before the darkest and coldest season. St Lucy and the witch Lussi are like forces of light and darkness. St Lucy brings hope in a time of grim winter and Lussi Long Night brings fear. 

She Wolf Night

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Cold moon

The full moon in December is known widely to be called the Cold Moon. This is especially by those living in the Northern Hemisphere. Alternative names for the full moon seen during December are Full Cold Moon, Oak Moon, the Long Night Moon, Moon Before Yule and Yule Moon. 

It's during December when Winter begins from the season of Yule and mainly the Winter Solstice that temperatures lower, making nights last longer and darker. It's bitterly cold and icy. Frost will appear in the mornings. Expect to see falling snowflakes to heavy snowfall. Sharper clear night skies of glistening stars and pale puffs of drifting clouds packed with snow. 

The full moon in December will happen on the 15th although it will be quite unique. This will be a slightest northern moonrise. It won't be completely bright as only 98% of it will be full and the least bright in 2024. However none of the moons of 2024 have been 100% full but 99% full. It will be on 15th Dec that the moon will rise at the most northerly position, which is a rare event. 

Often the moon and sun will rise at slightly off positions than most people would expect them to but this December's cold moon will rise further north in the sky. This behaviour of the December moon is called a "major lunar standstill". We should expect the moon to do this again in the year 2043 so that will be a long time off. The 15th full moon will be a special event. 

She Wolf Night 

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Santa's reindeer


While most people think Santa always comes down the chimney bringing gifts, no one really stops to think of his own transport. He rides in a flying magic sleigh pulled by a team of reindeer. Most people that think of the Christmas reindeer always mention only Rudolph the Red nose reindeer, but actually this is quite a new addition accompanied with the famous Gene Autry's 1949 song. Rudolph first appeared in a 1939 book by Robert L May called "The Red-Nosed Reindeer".  He's been well known ever since then and a favourite among children. The other reindeer are less known but are included in art, poems, music, film and stories. 

In 1823 it was written that there were 8 reindeer that pulled Santa's sleigh. This was mentioned in a poem "A Visit from St Nicholas" by Clement Clarke Moore. It was here in this work that each reindeer was named, Cupid, Comet, Dasher, Dancer, Blixem, Dunder, Prancer and Vixen. The named "Dunder" and "Blitzen" mean thunder and lightning. Earlier this wasn't always how Santa rode his sleigh. He once had only one reindeer, according to an illustrated 1821 book "The Children's Friend" by William B Gilley. The author of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" was L Frank Baum who also wrote about Santa's reindeer and that was in a 1902 fantasy book called "The Life and Adventure of Santa Claus". There were 10 reindeer in this version, named Glossie, Flossie, Speckless, Reckless, Ready, Steady, Fearless, Peerless, Pacer and Racer. It's set in a land populated by nymphs, fairies, gnomes and others including strange creatures of author's own invention. 

While reindeer have been introduced into the legend of Santa since the 19th century, reindeer have always been associated with Winter season, mainly in folklore and myths. How the connection of Santa having reindeer was made in the early 19th century was by works of fiction and art. It's possible that the notion comes from the fact reindeer have always been the most popular form of transport in severe thick snow, and it was explained that Santa could travel quickly using reindeer instead of horses during freezing winter nights. 

There is also the flying reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh, reminiscent of magical flying beasts, from the 8 legged steed belonging to the chief Norse god Odin and the powerful flying goats that pulled the thunder god Thor's chariot across the sky. In Roman mythology, the ruler of Olympus Jupiter, and his daughter Minerva, rode in quadriga pulled across the sky by winged Pegasi the flying horses. The fact is today reindeer are a staple part of winter beauty and magic.  

She Wolf Night     

Friday, 6 December 2024

Christmas spider

In East Europe it's believed to be lucky to see a spider on a Christmas tree. There are many people who decorate their Christmas trees with tinsel and glitter, also "angel hair" and shiny baubles in the shape of cobwebs and glittering spiders. The reason ornamental spiders are placed on trees comes from a belief that spiders bring good luck, and especially during Yule season on Christmas trees. 

There is an old story from either the Ukraine or Germany, about the origins of the Christmas spider tradition. No one knows who the author was except that it's been passed down as an oral folktale and told to children. While most people fear spiders during Halloween, spiders have a magical meaning at Yule. 

The story begins about a poor widow who lives with her children in a small house. A pinecone fell to the abode floor of the hut, and there it planted itself, growing to become a tree. The widow and children loved the tree and they cared for it. During Christmas, the widow felt sad because she was too poor to give her children a nice Christmas. They couldn't afford decorations to put on their tree. Meanwhile some spiders living in shadowy corners of the house observed the tree and wanted to visit it. So while the widow and her children were sleeping, the spiders crawled around the tree and covered it in cobwebs.

Then in the morning, after the widow had woken up, she opened the window to let in sunlight. She and her children were amazed to see their tree was sparkling in gold and silver. Another version goes that was during the night while widow and children were asleep, Santa visited the house and saw the tree was covered in cobwebs. He appreciated the work done by the spiders so he gave it some magic by transforming the webs into tinsel. This tree was beautiful and the widow was able to live well and provided better for her children afterwards.  

She Wolf Night

Monday, 2 December 2024

Spooky quicks December 2024

While December is now here upon us, it's often meant to be about cheerful fun and happiness but many don't realise it's got a dark side too. One thing about Yule and Christmas are the amount of ghost stories. Another thing is about scary monsters that appear during December, including Krampus and the Yule Cat. Here are some short paranormal stories that happened since I last posted. 

A video featuring an entity believed to be the ghost La Llorona from Mexico has caused excitement. It shows dogs barking at a pale figure gliding along a path. To watch the video on Youtube go here. La Llorona is the name of a vengeful spirit who haunts around water. 

There is another ghost video taken by Salguero Juega who uploaded it on TikTok. It shows a party of people having dinner and then the camera focuses on a pale form outside watching them. To watch that visit the link to user's TikTok page. 

Now for sea monsters and more recent clip at Loch Ness, which shows something in the water. Filmed by Eoin O'Faodhagain from a window at Clansmen Hotel that overlooks the picturesque mysterious loch. It shows movement of what seems to be visible humps. To check this out visit the link to Youtube.  

Now a mysterious blue orb of light was filmed whizzing by a news camera in New York. Many have come up with theories about what this could really be, some theories it's reflection of light, but others think it's a UFO. Make of it what you will, and see it HERE at Youtube.

Now for a festive fun story, a grotto of Christmas elves has been discovered. Sort of. Found on the island of Flores, Indonesia, a cave of fossils belonging to an extinct race of very little people known as Homo floresiensis that were around 3ft and 2inches tall and smaller. Scientists examined them and have said the bones belong to adults and not children. It's estimated they lived 60,000 years ago but no one knows what happened to them.   

She Wolf Night

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Clara Mills

There was a woman who lived in Nebraska, where she worked as a music teacher in the university of Wesleyan. She was named Urania Clara Mills, and first started work at the university in 1912, where she worked for a number of years. Then one day she was in the empty classroom and suffered a heart attack, but no one was there to help her. She died there and later was soon found. No one really knows what happened to her in there, or why, or if she was prone to heart issues. But what is certain is that she's never left the school. 

She was buried in Wyuka Cemetery in Lincoln. Decades later in 1963, during a crisp Autumn morning, a member of admin staff was in the school and heard the usual sounds of students in the classroom. It was soon discovered that the school lessons hadn't started yet and nobody else was in the room at the time. She noticed a strange musty odour as she reached the main hall. Then she saw the figure of a woman in old fashioned dress, with a man seated near the door. What else was strange was the view outside the window, It looked different, and seemed to be without normal streets and cars. Afraid, she left the hall quickly.

Later on she remembered the vision of the woman in the hall, describing her as slender with black hair, wearing a long skirt and white blowse. She told her experience to another professor, who then showed her photographs of the school staff from years earlier. It was then she identified the vision with a former teacher named Clara Mills. Sightings of the teacher Clara Mills has been seen around the school. She's mainly found in CC White Building which is now Smith-Curtis admin building, the Old Main and the Fine Arts section. People have heard mysterious footsteps, the sounds of an unknown playing a piano and lights keep switching on and off by themselves. 

She Wolf Night 

Saturday, 23 November 2024


The Banaspati is a scary creature found in folklore of Indonesia. Described also as a cryptid because people have witnessed it at night. Banaspati looks humanoid with sharp horns and red skin, similar to a demon. Also some have described the banaspati as looking like a floating skull with flames around it. This creature feeds off misery and other negative emotions but worst of all, it can kill. They live in trees where they also hide waiting for victims. At night this is when the banaspati attacks unfortunate passers by. 

Another strange thing that the banaspati does is breathe fire. It spews out fireballs from its mouth as weapons, and chars anything nearby. Since it appears at night, most people avoid working late especially farmers. Banaspati is found in trees and they tend to hide around in shadowy places. They wait for people to walk close by the tree and then the banaspati jumps out. Others describe the banaspati looking like a floating skull with flames around it. Banaspati are believed to be angered spirits of the cursed, and might be the result of a curse placed on someone by another. Often people who escape the banaspati look for the nearest temple.

She Wolf Night

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Cinderella details


These are just my own theories and based on various myths. Everyone is familiar the story of "Cinderella," a folktale famously of rags to riches. While the modern version is based on the children's book originally written down in 1697 by Charles Perrault and then later by the Brothers Grimm in 1812, it's got roots further back in time and in other places. It's believed that "Cinderella" was an oral folktale in the Middle Age. There is a similar older version story written by the Greek author and geographer named Strabo, between the years 7BCE and 23 CE. It's about a Greek slave girl who ends up marrying the king of Egypt (source, Wikipedia). There's even versions of the theme in Asia.

The story has a fairy godmother, although in the older version there wasn't. Instead, Cinderella spoke to the grave of her mother, and it's where a tree grew. This warm character of the fairy godmother that appears in the modern version of the story, is maternal and kind, which makes sense, as this is the spirit of Cinderella's own mother. 

As for the slippers, some believe that the magic in the story altered. Cinderella's slippers were so dainty that the wicked stepsisters chopped off bits of their own feet to fit the slipper. They did this because they wanted to marry the prince but he was sickened. Gruesome horrible self mutilation, which is very similar to the fashion trends of foot binding. More horror to come. Later at the wedding of Cinderella and the prince, the stepsisters have their eyes gorged out by birds. 

To read more go to the link of Cinderella at Wikipedia here.

She Wolf Night

Monday, 11 November 2024

Beaver moon

The November full moon itself has come to be known as the "beaver moon" because it's when beavers prepare for winter by stocking up in their dens. Beavers are also native to Europe although many were driven to extinction and now beavers have been reintroduced to help wildlife. Beavers make dams and this can help to avoid flooding in some areas. These animals can create natural wetlands and they improve the health of water. Some believe reintroducing beavers could damage woodlands but this is a weak argument as beavers are not a vast population destroying forests, their numbers are controlled by natural predators. The predators of beavers include foxes, badgers, pine martins, wolves, domestic dogs, owls, pike, large wild cats and other birds of prey.

While the November moon is called a Beaver Moon, it has other names such as Frost Moon, Mourning Moon, Dark Moon and Darkest Depths Moon. This sounds pretty creepy, which is why they've stuck with Beaver Moon as the official name instead. But why is it called Dark moon, darkest depths moon and mourning moon? The ancient Celts called it that because the November full moon is the last one before the Winter solstice. While this is generally the case with a November moon, sometimes the full beaver moon may overlap and occur in early December. Each year isn't the same. Others call the November full moon "freezing moon," "bears moon", "frog moon" and "fog moon."

This is a time of the paranormal. While the end of Autumn makes way for Winter, days growing shorter and nights longer, it gets colder and colder, darker, and threatening illnesses, hunger and the dreaded cold. Illness, hunger and the cold are three main killers during the Winter, and so everyone stocks up on keeping warm and fed. Medicines, alcohol, herbs and spices including ginger and onions can help the immune system. People used to try and do what they could to keep the wolf away from the door. This November full moon 2024 is going to be the last supermoon of the year. We have just passed the phase of Halloween and Samhain, including Remembering the war dead. The veil is still lowered because the Winter solstice is approaching and that is when paranormal activity is full.

She Wolf Night  

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Ghosts of Caerphilly Castle

 Located in south Wales is Caerphilly Castle. One of many haunted castles, this one is picturesque and one of the biggest in the UK. Built during the 13th century by Gilbert de Clare or "Red Gilbert" as some called him. This massive castle is in Glamorgan and with a large moat filled with wildlife that is a popular tourist attraction today. While the castle is full of history it's got a dark side. 

Among the sinister goings on includes the sighting of the Gwrach y Rhibyn, or the Spirit of Rhibyn, who looks like a terrifying hag with long black hair, leathery wings and talons. This entity is an omen of death and is similar to the Banshee. Some say that she prefers water, and this castle has a large moat. She wanders around the castle and marshes, causing mist to appear while shrieking.

Another interesting thing to mention about the region is the place of full of legends, within the county of Monmouthshire. Among those are legends of King Arthur, the Cuckoos of Risca, the giant named Jack O'Kent who built Harold's Stones, tragic love stories, Saint Nicholas a.k.a. Santa Claus, fairies and dragons. Speaking of tragic love, Caerphilly Castle has one. 

The beautiful Alice of Angouleme was the wife of "Red" Gilbert de Clare. She became lonely after being abandoned by her husband so often, that she fell in love with a handsome man named Gruffudd the Fair, who was a prince of Brithdir. Their romance was in secret until one day, when he confessed to a monk about his love for Alice who was married to the neglectful Red Gilbert. The monk betrayed Gruffudd and told Red Gilbert all about it. Angry Red Gilbert sent Alice away and murdered Gruffudd. Once Alice heard about it, she either died of a broken heart or took her own life. Her spirit has appeared at the castle, always wearing green. There are many more green lady ghosts throughout the UK. These are regarded as guardians of the location they're seen. I believe that Alice has been reunited with Gruffudd and yet she's got spectral duties to fufill at the castle where she was happy with Gruffudd, and waits for his return each night. 

She Wolf Night 

Friday, 1 November 2024

Spooky quicks November 2024

The time is spooky, as we've just Halloween but the season isn't over. Today is All Saints Day, and a time to pray to deceased people and even spirits. Then there's the Day of the Dead and other ways of honouring the deceased, including ancestors. It's a creepy time when veil has lowered and mists come in. I want to catch up on more recent news of the paranormal.

For years there's been recorded eerie mysterious sounds coming from the deepest Pacific Ocean, but now scientists believe they know what it is. It's believed the sounds come from a large number of whales. It was discovered by using AI to solve recordings of these sounds. 

A winged creature has confused Bristol Zoo. CCTV night vision camera picked up a strange animal with wings and horns wandering around. The animal looks like a deer with transparent wings. 

Another Loch Ness weirdness happened twice last month. Sonar picked up an anomaly in the water that no one can explain. It was 200 metres under the water not far from the coast where the castle is. 

A few weeks ago in Illinois, a truck driver encountered the legendary Bigfoot creature. It happened last month at around 6am, as the 47 year old experienced driver travelled along a route, and he saw something strange. He described seeing a large hairy creature staring at him, and it was 8 feet tall and had glowing orange eyes. There was no other traffic around and no one else except for him and the entity. Encountering this strange creature was very unnerving. 

More next month.

She Wolf Night

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Creepy stories for Halloween

There are many stories that are creepy for Halloween. There's so many to list here so I'm sharing some of the pages of true creepy ghost stories. Various people have shared their strange chilling encounters of hauntings and ghosts. Do have a look through and enjoy being scared stiff of these stories.  

1. 12 Ghost stories for Halloween posted by Lauren Cahn at Reader's Digest. 

2. Halloween Hauntings: True Ghost stories by Kassandra Lamb at Misterio Press. 

3. 19 stories of people who lived in haunted houses by Megan Liscomb at Buzzfeed. 

4. 17 real ghost stories that will chill you to the bone by Sarah Lamire at Today.

5. 11 scary stories that will make you sleep with the light on by Nora Biette-Timmons at Jezebel. 

It's going to get darker and so put the light on if you're sharing ghost stories.

She Wolf Night

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Inassie monster


There is a lake monster in Japan called Inassie. It's found in the Lake Inawashiro also called "Heavenly Mirror Lake", which is picturesque. It isn't far from Fukushima, a creepy haunted location that was once thriving. That place experienced horror on a fateful day in 2011 after a string of disasters caused sad losses of life from an earthquake, then a tsunami and followed by a nuclear accident. This place is well known for ghosts and hauntings. It's been reported that strange shadows have been seen on the beach, while many taxi drivers have encountered spirits of the deceased who seem confused. Many of these stories are found in the book "Ghosts of the Tsunami" by Richard Lloyd Parry. 

Inassie is a sea monster found in Lake Inawashiro, first seen in 1993. Described as 13 metres long, and resembling a plesiosaur. A plesiosaur was a marine reptile that comes from the age of dinosaurs, who thrived in the sea for a very long time from the Mesozoic era up until the Cretaceous era. They went extinct during the K-Pg event (a mass extinction caused by an impact on Earth 66 million years ago that wiped out 75% of species). 

Bones of a plesiosaur were found in the location of Lake Inawashiro, causing people to be convinced that this is the identity of the Inassie being real, although a member of its family. Someone was doubtful, as a cryptid researcher named Takeshi Nakazawa didn't share the same enthusiasm, and pointed out that Plesiosaur became extinct 66 million years ago while the Lake Inawashiro was formed only 20 thousand years ago. Sceptics have said the likeliest for the Inassie to be is a turtle. 

Many have said that this and loads of other lake monsters worldwide look like plesiosaurs. Another weird story in 1977 when a rotting dead 30ft unknown creature was found by Japanese fishermen. They took photos of it and then threw it back into the sea as they didn't want to contaminate the fish. Many have said that the gruesome corpse was a basking shark but after seeing the creature's remains, and that of a shark, it doesn't add up. After so many years people are still debating about what it is. This is called the Zuiyo Maru carcass.   

She Wolf Night  

Saturday, 19 October 2024

The Women with Cat's Eyes

I wanted to share this curious folk tale from New Mexico about cats, witches and eyeballs! It's called "The Women with Cat's Eyes" and found in "Tone the Bell Easy" book by J. Frank Dobie. Originally published in 1932, a collection of folk stories from Texas and Mexico. 

It begins with a man who fell in love with a pretty girl named Pilar with green eyes. He wanted to marry her but he wasn't keen on sharing his life with a girl whos' creepy sister named Fefe was always there. Fefe had brown eyes and he wanted to date Pilar and not her sister Fefe. So he remained friends with both sisters and for many years he visited them in their house. He played cards with them and over the years it became routine, until one day (night) things changed. 

He heard rumours about the sisters being witches. Not interested in that, he visited the sisters but they never answered the door. He found their place empty but for two pairs of eyeballs near the small fireplace. He lifted them up using an iron spoon, and found one set of eyes were green and the other brown. He flung them into the fire and watched them dance up and down like ping pong balls. Both sets of eyeballs tuned black in the flames and looked like walnuts. 

Two cats arrived hissing at the man, and they tried to attack him. He made the sign of the cross and left the house. The following night he visited the home of the sisters, and they let him in. There were the cats hissing at him, but this time they lacked eyes! The two women though, they had different eyes now, and their eyes were the glowing eyes of cats!

She Wolf Night     

Monday, 14 October 2024

Hunters moon

The Hunters Moon is ominously named as the full moon for October. It's often believed that the October moon is a time for hunting and bringing meat for the cold months ahead. Werewolves are connected to the full moon in traditional folklore, as well as in ancient legends, but what makes 2024 October moon so different to other October moons is that this one will be a supermoon. 

This October 2024 hunters moon will be a supermoon in the constellation of Aries. This should bring about aggression and a lot of passion. The full moon also has an affect on people, who are not werewolves. The police have released statements that there's more criminal activity during a full moon. Why is this? Some theorise it's a throwback to primal instincts when mammals were forced to be nocturnal during the age of dinosaurs. Others believe it's more esoteric and magical.

Some believe that it's psychological. The full moon does has an effect on the tides, on nocturnal animals and more. Full moons have an impact on sleep, and may cause sleep deprivation and erratic sleeping. Full moons are also believed to have an influence on heart rate and cardiovascular conditions. Some found full moons reduce blood pressure. 

Information on this finding at Healthline link here.  

She Wolf Night

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Dog in the tree


"Spirit of dog" by Rayne

There was the horrific case of a dog in a tree. It's demise was sad, very cruel and heart breaking. Loggers working in the deep woods of Georgia in 1980, selected a chestnut tree to cut down. The men thought that it would be just another job to do, as cutting up trees can be hard, adventurous and even dangerous. They anticipated only an easy day of this, perhaps they guessed they might only disturb wildlife with their activity. They knew about nature as they're experienced, well aware of predators and venomous snakes. However, what they didn't know, was cutting that particular chestnut tree would shock them.

(It's worth mentioning that chestnut trees were considered sacred amongst Native American tribes. Chestnut trees grow edible nuts and medicinal leaves, and can live up to 700 years. There were many chestnut trees throughout the region until many were chopped down by colonials, for the purpose of using the wood as building materials. Chestnut wood itself doesn't rot as it's full of tannins. Chestnut trees are different to the inedible Horse chestnut trees).

The dog was a healthy redbone coon breed, that was often chasing and running through woods. These dogs are used for hunting, and this one found prey. He was a good boy, and sometimes he wandered off to try catching wild animals. He located his target and watched as the small creature slipped inside a hollow of a chestnut tree. The dog finally believed he had it now and he quickly ran after it.

Back to the loggers, who had their tree down, carefully, ready to cut open in sections. Some of the men noticed visible claw marks on the insides of the tree. They made a further cut on the log, and the chestnut tree unleashed horror. Staring at the men, who were doing a difficult job anyway, was a frightening creature that gazed at them from within the chestnut tree. It turned out to be a mummified redbone coon dog who had been there since the 1960's. The dog chased it's prey and found itself stuck in the chestnut tree with nowhere to exit. He perished inside the tree, which was his prison and then his tomb. 

This dog is on display at Southern Forest World museum in Waycross, Georgia. Poor thing.

She Wolf Night 

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Spooky quicks October 2024

Here is a few paranormal related news stories that I wanted to catch up on and mention also. As we're now in October, the veil is lowering, which means that there will be darker hours as the sunlight is less, making nights grow longer, and a time when it's believed spirits are more active.

There's been an internet sensation about a certain natural phenomena that seems to be unusual. These are strange looking optical illusions in clouds that resemble humans, angels, gods, giants and spirits. The New York Post recently mentioned a weird looking cloud formation that was caught on camera, and it shows a shining giant humanoid figure walking on top of a cloud. Many suggest this is simply natural and not unexplained at all even though the clouds move in the opposite direction to the walking sky person! Check this video out on Youtube: Mysterious cloud person

Next in Morelia, Mexico, a Virgin Mary statue in a church cried tears of blood. According to some news outlets, this has been happening since June 2024. That particular statue is Our Lady of Guadalupe, with crowds of religious people visiting. The Catholic Church are investigating it but it's not the first time this has happened before. More about weeping statues at Wikipedia

Strange creatures now: In Argentina, a farmer was violently attacked by a goblin and he was left with bruises. The goblin was caught on camera. Check this out here: Goblin clip Youtube Planeta TV.

Clear shining metallic UFO pictured in the sky above Xiamen city in China. Go and see this for yourself by clicking on the link posted by Nelson Valdez on X

An Australian swimmer named Duncan Roberts was taking a dip in the famous lake Loch Ness in Scotland when he encountered a mysterious creature in the water. He was doing a charity swim there, in water that was murky and dark, when he found himself being nudged and bashed by something large underwater, but the actual creature itself is unknown. He didn't see anything because his eyes were closed while swimming under the water.

That will be all for now.

She Wolf Night

Sunday, 29 September 2024

A visiting mini moon

 A bit of space news that is perfect for an audience of werewolves, lol. This isn't really a news FOR werewolves but for everyone, who might be interested. A second moon is appearing in Earth's orbit now, and it's regarded as a "mini moon". It will be there on Earth's orbit for about 57 days and then depart. 

The fact is, it's not really a moon at all, but a rock, more specifically an asteroid that is caught up in the Earth's gravitational pull and is too light to enter the Earth's atmosphere. It will be in our skies for 57 days, although it won't be visible to the naked eye, as it's far too small. 

This mini moon is called PT5 and belongs to an asteroid belt that goes around the sun while following Earth. It arrives on the 29th September 2024 and expected to leave on 25th November. Basically this mini moon guest is here for Halloween! 

She Wolf Night

Monday, 23 September 2024

Irish tales of a giant, fox lady and werewolf

Ireland is rich in folklore, and filled with stories of the paranormal. It's got much more unexplained reports that are mysterious than most countries and it's a very ancient land. There are myths and legends surrounding places that are still haunting and eerie. However, I'm just going to mention a few of these tales and weird events that happened in recent times in Ireland.

The Giant's Causeway is a place full of legends about a man named Finn McCool. He was a folk hero and would be responsible for the construction of the Giant's Causeway, using power, strength and magic. He loved to go hunting with his hounds. He also belonged to a military order of warriors, called The Fianna, who also went hunting during the season. They also went fishing, and certain potent wisdom was earned from eating a salmon that was caught in River Slate. Finn had an arch enemy, the giant Benandonner also called "The Red Man", who lived in Scotland. So the Giants' Causeway was built to reach Scotland as a bridge. While this story is much longer and epic, I want to point out that something, and it was a massive door in the Giant's Causeway was caught on camera, which some believe is the secret dwelling of a giant that some claimed to have witnessed. Some believe it's a hoax. Watch and see, then make your own judgement. Video of the door at Giant's Causeway on Youtube.

And now for the next story. The fort of Cahervagliair or The Fort of the Sons of Laoighaire is a dreamlike place with surrealistic beauty and a ringfort. Located in Coppeen in County Cork, Ireland. The ringfort has an impressive stone entrance and remarkable features, estimated to have been built sometime in 1000 BCE. Some believe this is a significant place about a race of people called the Cineál Laoighaire and this means descendants of legendary kings of Munster in ancient times. Local stories in modern times are about this site, and a connection with a mysterious woman who was either red haired or a shapeshifting fox. It might've happened in the 19th century or early 20th century. Some have said she could've been a witch, a fairy or just a normal woman concerned about the place. She was looking out for the sacred ringfort and opposed to the workmen who were stealing from the ringfort. They told her that they were looking for materials to help build a school, which has now since become known as the "old school". No one knew who the woman was and they never saw her again. 

In 1132, a priest in Ireland was travelling alone, journeying from Ulster and headed for Meath. He came to the woods and night fell, so he made himself a small fire to camp there. A wolf emerged from the trees and the priest was startled, mostly because the wolf was talking in human language. The wolf was invited to sit near the fire. The priest was weary and probably delirious, as he listened to the wolf speaking. Wolf explained that he was really a man suffering a curse. Every seven years he and his human wife would both transform into wolves. The priest listened and felt sorry for the wolf. Wolf told him that his wife had become sick and needed help. The priest was not sure at first but he agreed to help the wolf. By morning, the priest visited the wolf's den, found the frail she-wolf and gave her viaticuum. The grateful wolves thanked the priest and told him which road to use. The priest went on his way safely. Irish werewolves are friendly.      

Now for more on Irish legends of werewolves, visit We Are Star Stuff blog page on "Faoladh: Werewolves of Ireland"  HERE

She Wolf Night

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Harvest moon

 Soon there will be a full moon and this means werewolves in folklore traditions. The full moon in September is called a Harvest Moon, which is magical and full of mystery. It has an orange colour and represents the time of agriculture. Fruits, vegetables, crops, gathering and making food storage and preparing herbs, spices, onions, garlic, peppers and salt to preserve meat. Making breads, ginger, cake, soups, brewing teas, medicines to take for the coming cold and flu viruses. 

September is dark and cool, with colourful warm leaves and falling fruits, collected by humans and wild animals. It's also a time where schools, churches and villages prepare harvests, charities at food markets, a number of fairs, fetes, festivals. Summer is fading, and the fallen crisp leaves bring in signs of Autumn. We all expect this and enjoy the season every year, but more and more people are forgetting the scary creepy stories, the superstitions and the eerie sensations of the paranormal that grows this time of year. 

The Harvest Moon is a time when werewolves are believed to be more active. As this time nears the Autumn equinox, a period where the veil lowers, there's going to be more strange and paranormal activities, because of the strength of moonlight, and nights getting longer. The Harvest Moon appears larger and more luminous, increasing the powers of the otherworldly. Most of the time werewolves hunted in isolated woodlands and forests but the Harvest Moon causes them to hunt in wider areas, appearing in open fields and on hills. Increased sightings of creatures (phantoms, spirits and cryptids, mainly werewolves or "dogmen") during September's moon and often seen. Usually these sightings occur in the open such as near main roads and behind houses. Farmers were always on the alert at night, because they worked in the fields and were likely to get attacked by werewolves. Harvest moon werewolves would be extremely dangerous and therefore folklore tales and warnings about them kept people indoors. 

She Wolf Night

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Wolves attack a woman jogging

There is the fairy tale by Brothers Grimm called "Little Red Riding Hood" about a young girl that walks through a forest to visit her sick grandmother. Walking into the forest with predators has always been a warning to children at an early age, as the story teaches them right and wrong. There are some who like to go out for a run at certain times. Others like to just have a stroll through familiar places and explore unknown territory as many hikers would agree. But there are those who like to go for a spontaneous run in odd places. Such was the case of a woman in France, who decided to go for a jog in Summer 2024. She put her own life in danger and paid an awful price. 

She was a real life Little Red Riding Hood. She ventured out into a forest but unlike the girl in the storybook, this woman was well aware that predators could be around. The location was in a restricted wildlife park and it was as if she wanted to risk it. Ignoring the signposts giving warnings, she had to pass through areas off limits, just so she could jog along a path there. However, the woman ended up being surrounded by wolves. 

Soon after hearing her screams, staff at the wildlife park quickly went out and rescued her, and then sent her to hospital. The wolf attack left her with severe injuries and she struggled to speak. It's believed that she passed away and her relatives wanted to take this further. They blamed Thoiry Zoo, although the park officials said the woman had to have seen the signs as she entered through gates. While some argue that she never understood the signs making the passage off limits, others believe she had to have known it was used for safari cars only. 

More to this story at YouTube by the channel Final Affliction HERE but be warned. 

She Wolf Night  

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Magical squirrels


Well it's that time of year when we see squirrels gathering food, especially nuts, conkers, acorns and tree mushrooms. Red squirrels don't really like acorns as much as grey squirrels though. Reds change this month for getting a new coat for the Winter. Autumn is associated with various colours of falling leaves, red, brown, orange, pink, yellow. Squirrels are associated with Autumn too, along with foxes, deer, groundhog, monarch butterflies, mice, barn owls, hedgehogs, badgers, crows, bats and spiders. 

Besides the fact squirrels are just cute with bushy tails, they have a magical reputation that goes way back into ancient times. From the epics of Norse mythology to the shamanic stories of the Native Americans, squirrels have always been playing an important part in legends about creation, realms and spiritual journeys. To understand what I mean, visit this insightful page "Squirrel, fuzzy messengers... mythology" at Ancient Origins.

There is a link with Cinderella and red squirrels, and it isn't just Autumn pumpkins. Her famous glass slippers were not really made of glass but squirrel fur. Her magical shoes were soft booties made from the pelt of red squirrels. Her glass slippers in the traditional fairy tale that we know are verre of the French to mean glass, but earlier it was vair, which means "fur". Some believe that fur slippers would've fitted anyone's feet so they changed it, while others think there was a mistranslation. Fur shoes were very nice and considered fancy in the past but not in the 17th century when Charles Perrault wrote the story of "Cinderella" that we know of. It was a much older oral tradition story though but before Perrault, Giambattista Basile had wrote down "Zezolla: Cat Cinderella". To read this one visit Dreame.

There is an urban legend of a ghost squirrel in Dorking, England. Dorking is a picturesque market town going back centuries ago since the Roman occupation. Apart from Roman influences and coins found is the legacy of the Dorking Cockerel, a local symbol. Found in the county of Surrey, Dorking is well known for its ghostly beautiful Silent Pool as well as a phantom squirrel. 

This ghost squirrel was talked about amongst people for years, especially children who liked telling spooky stories. It turned out to have been a real squirrel that lived, an albino called Albi. Sadly this wonderful creature stepped into the road and passed away but is still a loved memory. Read more of this well loved Albi and is remembered still at newspaper article "Remembering Albi" on Get Surrey.  

She Wolf Night

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Spooky quicks September 2024

This is mainly about quick lowdown of stories to do with anything paranormal, ghosts, cryptids, even research. It's only short stories based on news and articles I've found recently. I shall be posting more like these every month.

Dreams and telepathy, studies made in 2024 showing people who were lucid dreaming were able to move a car. More about this and other dreams: The Conversation link article here.

A magical landing happened, as if an angel protected this child. In France, a 4 year old boy fell from his bedroom window at 43 metres. He lived in a tall apartment block building. When his father noticed he was missing from his room, he saw his son on the ground below. With a grieving heart, he rushed down to his son, only to discover that by a miracle he was alive and well, with only a scratch. More on that in Oddity Central here.

Ghost video clip shows a phantom passenger on a bus in India: Ghost clip 

Werewolf creature sighting in a video clip: Source Unexplained Mysteries.

On bizarre news, fishermen have found a creepy vampire fish (link BBC story).

That will be all for now.

She Wolf Night

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Beast of Bladenboro

Art by Mister Sam Shearon

During the 1950's in a town called Bladenboro in North Carolina, a lot of nasty deaths happened to domestic animals. Lots of people blamed it on wild big cats, although the nature of the deaths was strange. Most of the victims were dogs, and they were severely mutilated. Whatever killed them, was more powerful than the dogs. The killer was capable of lifting the animals, tearing them to pieces and crushing them. Some of the witnesses found their beloved dogs killed by a dangerous menace who didn't leave much clues behind. 

The actual culprit was never found although plenty said they'd seen it. People described seeing a creature that was "similar in size to a bear". Some had seen a dark shape that might've appeared to be a panther or a large black German shepherd dog. Also very curious is that it made "sounds like a crying baby", which might've been from more than one witness. It was estimated that the creature weighed "150 pounds (70kg)" by the way it moved through the forest. Another believed it weighed up to 40kg. Many reported that it looked "feline". Tracks believed to be of the killer showed claws that were 2.5cm long.

It was a different eye witness who found a "mountain lion" approaching her, but when she screamed, it turned and ran away. Was this mountain lion responsible for the number of dog attacks? It seems likely although some things don't make sense. Was it a cat or even a huge dog? The tracks themselves resembled canine prints but that idea was quickly dismissed due to the size of them! Whatever it was, gave the sleepy town of Bladenboro fame.

She Wolf Night 

Thursday, 22 August 2024


 Japan is full of very interesting ghost stories and some of them are very bizarre. This includes the legend of the Abura-sumashi. It comes from folklore of Amakusa, a city in the pretty green hilly region Kumamoto Prefecture. 

The Abura-sumashi is a type of ghost that dwells in the woodlands of the mountain pass named Kusazumigoe. The entity's name Abura-sumashi means "oil wringer", as this is probably rooted to the times when people were overworked, in poverty and often labouring over oil cloths, made from the seeds of camellia sasanqua plants. Such oil was used to generate light in houses before there was electricity.  

The entity itself appears small and dressed in straw, with an oversized head that looked like a potato or a stone. There is a story that an old woman was walking along the mountain pass with her grandchild, when she said "this place used to be where the Abura-sumashi lived." Just then a strange light voice shouted out: "I still do!

It's said that the Abura-sumashi jumped out in front of people who travelled there. It was also believed that this entity is the ghost of a thief who stole oil and ran away into the woods. Many viewed the theft of oil from shrines and temples as punishable by turning into a Yokai (earthbound spirit) as what might've happened with the Abura-sumashi.

She Wolf Night  

Thursday, 15 August 2024

The pirate Lioness

Although very fantasy sounding, with many popular aspects of warrior women and female knights, are the ladies of the high seas, the ruthless and dangerous women pirates. There are many in fiction, fantasy and film, but in history there are many women pirates too. But the most striking of all was Jeanne de Clisson who was a lioness of the sea, huntress and a warrior. 

She lived during the 14th century during the Hundred Years War, and she was of noble stock from the Breton region of France. She married very young and birthed seven children. She raised them well until she became a grieving widow. Her second husband was executed by King Philip VI, she went darker. She had lovers and married again, falling into dispute over estates, and then a fourth time. 

Jeanne raised three ships after selling much of her inheritance, and designed them all painting them black with red sails. These ships were impressive and frightening. Then she went on a mission, revenge, and made war with France, and went on a killing spree, beheading nobles. 

For more info with a much more expanded detail of her adventures as well as illustrations, visit link "The Bloody Lioness of Britanny" page at Lions and Lilies Wordpress. details on women in piracy and the history of women pirates visit this link:Ferocious women pirates at Smugglers Adventure Smugglers

She Wolf Night

Thursday, 8 August 2024



The Lorelei is a folk story coming from Germany about a beautiful woman who became a mermaid. It was a tragic story and inspired many artists and poets. The story began with a heart broken young woman named Lorelei who became distressed when she found out her beloved was seeing another. She was so upset that she decided to take her own life. She flung into the depths of the river and drowned. The river is the famous Rhine, full of stories of magic and mystery. Lorelei transformed into a siren and her enchanting beauty lured fishermen to their death. 

It must also be mentioned that Lorelei is the name of a large stone that makes humming sounds. This Lorelei stone is found on the riverbank close to Sankt in Goarshausen in Germany. The Lorelei stone is also called Loreley, and stands at 433 ft tall. It's a place where many violent disasters have happened there along the river for thousands of years. Even today it's a busy waterway and as recent as 2011 a boat carrying sulphuric acid crashed 

It isn't only the siren but the "Luren" who are dwarves that live inside the stone. It's believed by folklore that the Loren protect treasures and other mystical objects. Some say that this is where the treasure from the Nibelungenlied is found. In 1612 the author Marquard Friedrich Freher wrote that the Lorelei is where mountain nymphs gather, including the place where Echo appeared, the famous nymph of Greek mythology. It was Heinrich Heine who created an unnamed beautiful poem of the siren in 1823 of which was set to music often by different composers. There is much more about the River Rhine to discuss another time.

She Wolf Night 

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Cryptid news August

 Hi, it's the last time I will be doing Cryptid News reports each month. I've been doing this series for a year now and it's okay, I'm not abandoning cryptid stories. I shall be continuing to do this and also I'll include the latest reports on paranormal and strange stories too. 

There's tons of Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings and brief stories coming from the USA, not to mention this one: A Japanese TV documentary "The Great North" visited Canada. It was set in Quebec and the TV crew were filming a herd of caribou by a river. The crew were basically miles out in the wilderness as they focused on the animals. On closer inspection, the footage shows a mysterious figure stalking the herd. To view that short clip visit this Youtube link to it. 

In Missouri, a man phoned a local radio station and said that he's communicated with Bigfoot. He spoke of his interaction with the cryptid and tried to show that he meant no harm to it. The Bigfoot responded with an attack of ultrasound as a way for the man to back off. More on this HERE on Unexplained Mysteries.

She Wolf Night

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

A wolf became a man


There is a very old legend from China that a wolf turned into a man. It starts off in the Phoenix Mountains of Shandong Province in China. This was during ancient times and in the mountain was a stone house where a priest lived as a hermit. He had a friend, a wolf companion, who defended the priest from dangers. Also the priest valued the mountain and cared for the wildlife and vegetation, regarding it as a sacred place. 

The wolf is unusual in the legend as it was able to read, and knew and understood the writings of sacred texts. It wanted to be physically human. Whilst roaming the mountain, the wolf was starving and asked the god of the mountain for food. The mountain god led wolf to the river and a village. Wolf was thirsty and approached the river when an elderly blind man appeared. Wolf attacked him, until the man pleaded for mercy, and this made the wolf feel bad and leave. Later on, more hungry, wolf asked the mountain god for help to locate food. 

The mountain god showed the way, down the mountain to a valley where a woman and a small child were. Wolf attacked the woman and then lifted the child in its jaws. The woman screamed and begged the wolf to stop and spare their lives. Feeling guilty, the wolf let go of the child and returned up the mountain slope. Even more hungry, the wolf passed away in its sleep. 

Out of the wolf's compassion, it was soon reincarnated as a human baby boy. Also the mountain god died and reincarnated as a yellow wolf cub. Years passed by when the two characters met up again. A grown man, who was a wolf in his previous life, became a priest of the temple and then he encountered a wild yellow wolf, that used to be a mountain god. After meeting, observing that the wolf had become a man as well as a priest and a master, the yellow wolf was angry, as he had once been a mountain god. Yellow wolf felt despair and rage. Then the yellow wolf was so humiliated and belittled by it that he ended his own life. 

She Wolf Night   

Monday, 15 July 2024

Summer monsters

 While going out in the countryside or exploring the soft beach, especially as Summer gives that warm need to have a trip, just beware of the creatures you may bump into. Here are some very curious creatures and monsters that you're probably going to see if not careful:

1. Alien big cats or mystery big cats. These are mainly found lurking in the remote national parks or in isolated fields, woodlands and rocks. Seen throughout the country especially places such as in England and Wales. If you want to head for Dartmoor. Exmoor, Cambridgeshire, Bodmin, Woodchester and Burford, just mind out for these enormous predatory cats! 

2. Hell hounds. Many types of scary hellhounds seen roaming the fields, woodlands and moors in places such as in Devon, Yorkshire and the Scottish Highlands. These hellhounds also appear in parks and graveyards, also at roads and even quiet overgrown old railways! These are spectral dogs usually black with red eyes, associated with the Devil, that accompany sinister goulish hunters. Hellhounds and demon black dogs appear in idyllic locations, especially during nice weather. Seeing them could be dangerous as they're believed to be omens of doom.

3. Werewolves. People may want to go camping, so beware of terrifying werewolf entities and dogmen cryptids. These are reported all throughout the world and in the United Kingdom. Mainly in the countryside and picture-perfect locations for summer. They appear at so-called peaceful nights in grounds where people like to go for a hike or set up a tent. You don't want to set up your picnic and be in for a surprise like this!

4. Lake monsters. Some enjoy the pastime of fishing, rowing and even swimming in the cool water during a sweltering heatwave. Just be careful though, it isn't always sharks to look out for. In the lakes and rivers, it's not likely to meet a shark but you're more than going to encounter something far more paranormal and frightening. Usually these lake monsters can be in both freshwater and saltwater that are big with serpent and reptile features. Some regard the Loch Ness Monster as a modern day aquatic sea serpent of legends. It isn't only up in Loch Ness but also throughout the country there are sightings of unknown huge beasts.

5. Other types of monsters like owlmen, bat beasts, monkeymen, pigmen, Bigfoot, ghosts, vampires, and much more can all be experienced without even expecting it. They strike when someone isn't even looking for the creatures but just wanting to enjoy their summer fun outdoors. Also far more than any of them, are the dragons, described as fearsome dangerous threatening giant worms or serpents that once scared everyone.  There was too many of them. These beasts were so deadly that many brave men lost their lives trying to kill them. 

Also much of what I've listed can be learned from sources including paranormal databases, Youtube, Tik Tok, Podcasts and books. Explore Marvellous Map on Britain's mythical beasts HERE

She Wolf Night 

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Medieval omens

In Medieval Times, people were very superstitious and believed in omens. Some claimed to know the fates of people around them, such as friends, relatives, neighbours and nobility. While people thought they could predict how someone was going to live, or die, they could also read signs that interpreted the future. These people who could see the future were called soothsayers. 

During the Dark Ages (or Early Middle Ages), some people were worried if their dog howled inside the house. The usual barking was normal, if it alerted them, or when dogs howled outside, because it meant owners were in trouble or the dogs were afraid. But if dogs were indoors, and howling, this meant that someone was going to die. But that wasn't all regarding the home. It was believed that magpies perched on a rooftop of a house, then making loud squawks, would mean visitors were on the way. The 16th century English rhyme about magpies linked to a superstition traces back to the Medieval omens of magpies. To read more details of this rhyme, go to the Wikipedia page about it HERE

Cuckoos are often full of superstitious beliefs. These birds have a distinctive sound and they resemble birds of prey when in flight. Also they're a brood parasite that means they put their eggs in other birds species nests, to act as hosts, and then trick the adult birds into thinking they have all of their chicks. Medieval people considered cuckoos to be omens of bad luck and death. If a cuckoo is heard crying five times, it means the person has only five years left to live. 

In the Middle Ages people were afraid after spotting a wild hare on the pathway, as this was regarded as a bad omen. Also meeting a monk on the path was another sign of bad luck. However, seeing a frog or toad on the same path was a sign of good fortune. But seeing a hare running away from dogs was an omen of ill fate for that person. Hearing thunder in January would predict bad weather and war. 

For those interested in Medieval omens and superstitions related to creatures and monsters, check out information on Medievalists.net The Book of Marvels in an event running now until August 25th in the J Paul Getty Museum. 

She Wolf Night 

Sunday, 7 July 2024

The Black Dahlia

 One of the famous ghosts in America is linked to a disturbing true story about an unsolved murder. The haunting is at Biltmore Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. Although lavish and beautiful inside it's very  creepy with a supernatural atmosphere. The apparition has been witnessed by guests staying at the hotel and talk of their experience with the ghost, described as a female spirit dressed all in black with pale eyes. Those who've seen her were overcome by a lot of sadness. She appears briefly for a moment as a shadowy figure in peripheral vision. Sometimes the ghost manifests in the rooms, in corridors and even in the reflection of mirrors, but those who've been able to see her are often left with an impression. 

It's believed that this ghost woman in black is the famous Black Dahlia. Her real name was Elizabeth Short, and she was an attractive young woman with striking features of dark hair and blue eyes, and she liked to dress in style, favouring the colour black. Originally from Boston, she went to Hollywood with dreams of becoming a film star. She was staying in Los Angeles at the Biltmore Hotel where she became well known. She had a wild independent streak, liked going to parties and meeting men, but she also got herself into trouble with the police. Later she was out and then was found brutally murdered in a nearby street. Her killer was never found and it's still an unsolved case today. 

Many ghost hunters have been visiting this hotel looking for her spirit. There was a special episode on the TV series "Ghost Adventures" that took place in the hotel looking for the Black Dahlia spirit. Books, films, articles, websites and even paranormal groups do subjects on the Black Dahlia's life, death and haunting at the haunted hotel. She's made an impact on everyone many years after her death as there's a cultural legacy on the Black Dahlia. 

For more reading "Pop culture's Black Dahlia obsession" at Crime Reads.

Article "The tormented existence of Elizabeth Short" at American Ghost Walks. 

She Wolf Night       

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Cryptid news July


In Zimbabwe the police have been experiencing strange things. What happened was mainly harassment by unknown strange girls that are not like humans at all but seem to be female goblins! These incidents are creepy and always at night, in a police station at Gwambe in Matabeleland. Often police operate in small numbers and they patrol pairs at night. Then there's been a load of disturbances including slamming of doors, sounds of things climbing up walls and running across the roof, being violated and leaving them terrified. 

It isn't the first time goblins have caused havoc in Zimbabwe. More goblins have upset residents and then pictures and videos were shown of people catching one of the goblins. You can make your mind up about this. https://www.chronicle.co.zw/video-cowdray-park-goblin-maqobola-captured/

If anyone is interested in exploring the actual details of the subject of cryptids and supernatural creatures, go the International Cryptozoology Museum, in Portland, Maine. To find out visit: https://cryptozoologymuseum.com/    

Check out this interesting news site on cryptids Shuker Nature blog, written by a science writer and doctor. It's found at https://karlshuker.blogspot.com/

Another news related site on cryptids and strange paranormal experiences is the blog Phantoms and Monsters. This can be located here: https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/

She Wolf Night

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Little Miss Muffet

The well known nursery rhyme goes like this: 

Little Miss Muffet,

Sat on a tuffet

eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider

who sat down beside her

and frightened little Miss Muffet away.

There is a dark side to this, and it's so disturbing that I was reluctant to post it for ages. It goes back to the early 17th century, and might be earlier. There was a young girl named Patience Muffet who became very ill. Her father was a doctor, and he put dead spiders in medicines that he gave to the sick. His name was Dr Thomas Muffet and he believed that dead spiders was an important ingredient for cures. He gave Patience the spider medicine too!     

What prompted me to post about it was that a similar thing happened to both me and then to my daughter. I was sat down while using the laptop during lunch when an enormous daddy long legs spider came dangling down in front of me. I had to put it outside. The next day, my teenaged daughter was having her breakfast and then a big spider appeared next to her. The experience was freaky and unnerving. 

Some people would say it was luck! They also say it's lucky to tread on poo by accident and also considered "lucky" to have birds' droppings fall on you outside! Having two different spiders come and sit down basically wasn't so much "lucky" at all but a moment of panic. It was more like an encounter with the minions of that evil Middle Earth tarantula queen Shelob.  

She Wolf Night