

Sunday 28 May 2023

Jicotea sugar spirits


One of the most strangest cryptid sightings involve the sugar creatures or Sugar Bundle of Jicotea in Cuba. It happened in 1915 when two mounted guards were patrolling a field of sugar cane. The names of the two men are not known, but their story was told by Albert Rosales, an author and UFO researcher. In Las Villas, is a small place of Jicotea with farmland including sugar canes. As the two guards were riding on horseback along a path during the evening. Their horses became agitated when they turned a corner and noticed a small object on the ground further along the trail. It looked like a small white bag of sugar, and it moved on its own! The horses were refusing to go forwards and the little sack crawled towards them. The guards shot at  the small bag, hoping to disable it and instead the white bag turned larger. They shot at it again, and the bag grew even more bigger. As the men kept shooting at it, the bag was growing every time! Soon the object became as large as the horses. The men dismounted and chose to flee the area, but its not clear what made them get off their horses and left them, or why the horses didn't leave. The men told everyone their fantastic tale. The following day, they returned to the site to get their horses, who were discovered unharmed, and grazing in a field.  

This sounds like a weird 1950's science fiction film similar to "The Blob" although this happened in 1915. So what did the men really witness? Cryptid it might be, but this sounds almost paranormal and with a hint of ghosts at work. It's not the first time that an entity was seen growing in size. In the book Phantom Black Dogs of Latin America by Simon Burchell, there is mention of a story about a man who found a strange black puppy in a field that suddenly grew to adult size within moments, frightening him. Many other spirits and creatures have magical abilities that cause shape-shifting and size changing. Sugarcane fields are places of hauntings in many parts of the world. In fact all fields, crops and plantations are haunted as these draw in many types of spirits. 

She Wolf Night          

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