

Monday 24 April 2023


There is a frightening creature in folklore from Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria called Ala or Hala, and this is a female demon. She is mostly a storm demon and she makes horrific thunderclouds over landscapes growing crops and orchards. Her nature is to kill harvests so that she can starve people. Hala is one demoness but there are many more of her kinds, which is a collective plural name "ale". Hala and her ale species are capable of stealing crops, vines, fruit and vegetables, if she's not destroyed them already. Known to eat children, people often grow up with nightmares about her/ and the rest of her kind. She even causes solar and lunar eclipses to plunge the world into darkness and delay growth of fertile plants just to bring about more cold and misery. 

Described as looking like a variety of entities, depending on the localised stories and legends. In some she looks like a shadowy cloud of wind and a tornado. She is also said to look like a monster in humanlike form, sometimes in animal forms, mainly as a gigantic serpent with wings or as a huge raven that is so big it appears like a storm cloud. She also takes on the appearance of a giant woman with a large mouth full of sharp teeth. This creature is an aerial demon who dwells mainly in the sky, among clouds, on mountain tops, tree tops, in most high altitude places, as well as in other remote areas like caves, lakes and underground tunnels. One of her biggest enemies is a fire-breathing dragon, which is believed to be able to kill a Hala demon. Eagles could also kill Hala. Humans can destroy an ale demon such as in the tale of Saint Elijah who worked a dragon to defeat Hala. 

She Wolf Night  

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