

Friday 11 November 2022


One of the most scariest cryptids of Australia is the Burrunjor. Its appearance is uncanny and frightening, described as looking like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It appears in Aboriginal myths and legends as a monster active at night, the Burrunjor or "Old Three Toes", a bipedal giant reptile that ate kangaroos. They also said it might've had feathers, and small arms but huge muscular legs. Besides Australian folklore, there's been run-ins with a beast like that as recent as the 20th century! 

During the 1950's farmers in Australia found great reptilian shaped footprints left in the soil, at the time that their cattle was being killed by a mysterious predator at night. Some have made a connection with the Aboriginal legends of Burrunjor with the attacks on livestock. Some say that the culprit could've been a Megalania, a large monitor lizard of Australia and relative of the Komodo Dragon, but this species was believed to have disappeared thousands of years ago. During the 1970's calls were made from worried people that encountered such an animal near their farm. Whatever the creature actually is, it's very clear that something fitting that description existed. Australian Aboriginal cave paintings show huge reptiles bigger than humans. 

Today the official big monitor lizard of Australia is the Perentie. It's a top predator and has venom, they eat small animals, birds, lizards and snakes. They're also scavengers too. The Perentie doesn't sound as big as the Burrunjor, and they don't eat anything larger than a young kangaroo. Besides the eating habits being different, the Perentie are not bipedal. Those who witnessed the Burrunjor would know if it was a regular monitor lizard or something far more prehistoric that shouldn't be here. 

In 1978, a man named Bryan Clark found himself lost in the Australian outback. A search was being held, and it was noted that there were violent heavy footsteps crashing through the woods, as if made by something of enormous size. The man was found alive and well, but he was warned never to wander off into those woods again. Among the searchers were two Aboriginals who experienced the shaking crashing footsteps of the Burrunjor. Then in 1985, s family went on an outing by the Roper River when they encountered a Burrunjor "monster" that had feathers. This is probably the last known sighting of the Burrunjor.

She Wolf Night         

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