

Friday 15 January 2021

Magical white hair (part 2)

This is the second of five posts about otherworldly people with white hair. They can be from legends, myths and folklore, even from the realms of literature. 

The Epimeliads are a type of dryads from Greek mythology. These dryads are both guardians of fruit trees and protectors of sheep and goats. Sometimes considered orchard nymphs, meadow nymphs and apple tree nymphs. They dwelled in the woods, living inside fruit trees and they could even blend. These dryads were able to shapeshift into trees and human form. Their hair is the white shade of apple blossoms or wool. 

The most well known of these Epimediads include the Hesperides who guarded the golden apples. They're regarded as daughters of goddess Nyx and the titan Hyperion. Another famous Epimediad is the dryad Penelope, mother of Pan. She's not the same person as the wife of Odysseus who's also called Penelope. There is a different Epimediad called Lampetia, who is also made of light. Her sister is Phaethusa, radiating and carries a staff made of copper to protect sheep and apple trees. Sinoe and Sose are lesser known Epimediads who are loved, and they lived on mountains to care for sheep and fruit trees.  

She Wolf Night    

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