

Thursday 8 October 2020

Realistic fairy tales (part 6)

 This is the sixth and last post of the Realistic Fairy Tales. I plan to make two more projects related to fairy tales after this. Some have already been reading these posts, and wondered why I haven't covered so many more characters. I plan to talk about those characters in my future posts to do with warrior women and villains. I hope you enjoyed reading these. Here are the characters on this sixth post and see if you can relate to them.  


Goldilocks and the Three bears is one of the earliest stories most people can remember. It's got an easy to follow story and its theme is the number three. It must be mentioned that this story that we all know isn't how it originally began. For example, Goldilocks replaced a fox character. And before those bears appeared in the story, there were hobgoblins. The older the story is, the most unfamiliar it is! Can you identify with Goldilocks, the girl with the golden hair that broke into the house belonging to a family of three bears? Goldilocks is explorative, hungry and adventurous. Entering dangers, unaware, choosy and picky. She settles for things that are small, soft and warm, hinting that she is tender hearted. What Goldilocks needs a lot is Self-discipline.  

The little Mermaid

This is a sad story written by Hans Christian Andersen. The Little Mermaid is about a sea nymph with the tail of a fish, who falls in love with a man. We all know what happens to her, even though the Disney animated film changed it so that the Little Mermaid gets a deserved happy ending. If you feel you could relate to her, then the Little Mermaid is a dreamer, and doesn't value herself. She chases dreams, but will sacrifice herself for others. She feels unloved or love isn't returned. She experiences unrequited love and devoted herself entirely to one man. What Little Mermaid needs is Self Love.    

She Wolf Night

The images used on this page were created by me using various graphic and doll makers.  

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