

Sunday 21 June 2020

Wild crocodiles seen in the UK

There are no native crocodiles or alligators in the British Isles. There hasn't been any since the time of dinosaurs. The oldest crocodile skull found in the United Kingdom is from the Cretaceous era. And yet, people have been admitted to hospital for wounds after being attacked by "crocodiles" in the countryside! NHS figures have shown that in 2018 about seven people were treated after being attacked by "crocodiles" according to the patients. There were cases in previous years also of people getting bitten by crocodiles in England. The British media has published this info but have treated it as a joke. 

A photographer has claimed to have seen a crocodile or caiman in the countryside in West Yorkshire, England. He didn't "have time" to take a picture of it. In Bristol, there is a crocodile warning signpost put there after reports of a crocodile seen in the River Avon. The story of the famous Bristol Crocodile has been witnessed by many people including a jogger and a bus driver. An engineer working for Bristol Water caught a small crocodile and took it to the RSPCA. There is a film of the creature crawling by the lake. So far it's still a mystery as to where it came from. Now the caiman has been sent to a special facility for exotic animals after being seen by a vet. The caiman is native to Central and South America. 

It's been suggested that people have been keeping such animals as pets, then abandoning them or even "throwing away" eggs. Only for these eggs to hatch in the wild! This is one possible reason why the crocodiles have been seen in England. It also means if it's true, there should be strict rules for making sure people don't buy these animals easily. Crocodiles are in the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1979. This means anyone seeking to own a crocodile in the UK needs a license. Keeping them without a license is illegal. Keeping pet crocodiles also means they should be protected because of the Animal Welfare Act. 

People have guessed that the caiman found by Bristol Water was the legendary Bristol Crocodile. If this is so then why are there still sightings of a crocodile in the Bristol area and in Somerset? And why are there crocodiles seen elsewhere in the country?      

By Rayne and Violet Dark

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