

Saturday 9 November 2019

Do werewolves eat chocolate?

Hello, I'm Charlotte Woods.
There's a debate going on out there, should werewolves eat chocolate? Not really. The reality is that chocolate is poison to dogs including wolves. It gives dogs something bad called Theobromine poisoning. It is toxic. Humans are able to tolerate food that would be poisonous to dogs like chocolate and other foods like nuts, tea, coffee, alcohol and grapes.
Werewolves should hate chocolate, right? True. It would be similar to how it affects dogs and wolves. A number of people have food allergies towards nuts and even cocoa. So not all humans tolerate the same food everyone else can eat.
Candy makes me choke. I avoid coffee, alcohol and grapes. I really don't like fruit anyway because it leaves my mouth feeling bitter and gives me a tummy ache. Nuts are like stones and I don't eat them. Chocolate in small amounts is fine but a lot makes me ill.
Don't feed dogs chocolate or any of this:

Written by Charlotte Woods and posted on She Wolf Night by Rayne Belladonna.

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