There are many types of creepy entities in pig form. These include the Pig-man cryptid that was reported in many countries. Although it sounds like a fairy tale to many newbies of the paranormal field, others laugh at the idea. Let's explore.
The Pig-man was responsible for missing people, such as a case in Northfield, USA. There was a dangerous "pig" there, or many believe was a man dressed up as a pig. An urban legend surrounds this strange story, about a boy named Sam Harris who went out alone on the night of 30th October to go trick or treating in 1951. It was said he wanted to do this during "Picket Night" or mischief night, the eve before Halloween. He never returned home. Many claimed to have seen Sam, or assumed it was him over the years, living wild and shabby, covered in hair and killing pigs. This character frightened passers-by, and he got a reputation as a hideous evil pig-man. For more on this go and visit the Burlington Free Press article on the legendary pigman here.
There are similar stories of monstrous pigs such as a massive mega boar that was found in Georgia. The animal was nicknamed Pigzilla. It was hunted and then photographed with an entry in the national press. There are more enormous wild pigs but some have supernatural origin, such as the Beast of Dean in the woods of Gloucestershire, England. It has a similar behaviour as other cryptids that are briefly seen, cause fear among those who witness it, and vanishes. Another similar entity is found in Indonesia, called the Babi Ngepet also referred to as a boar demon. Some say it appeared in a village of Cianjur back in 2012 while others say it was an ordinary wild boar.
There is the wild cryptid in Hawaii that looks like a half-man and half-pig (a werepig) named Oahu Hog-Man. It lives in forests and seen by Mount Tantalus in Oahu. People witnessed it at the roads while driving. It's assumed that this is probably linked to a mistake as the islands haven't got wild boars. However it's got feral pigs that are a menace to the environment, damaging crops and spreading diseases.
Then there is the legendary Pig-Man of Cannock Chase, explored in the book UFO's, Werewolves and the Pig-Man by author Lee Brickley.
It was once believed there were demonic black pigs living in London's underground sewers. People were afraid when these vile creatures would leave and run amok through the streets, killing and spreading nasty germs. It was this urban legend that started during the 18th century and lasted until Victorian times.
She Wolf Night