

Sunday 29 September 2024

A visiting mini moon

 A bit of space news that is perfect for an audience of werewolves, lol. This isn't really a news FOR werewolves but for everyone, who might be interested. A second moon is appearing in Earth's orbit now, and it's regarded as a "mini moon". It will be there on Earth's orbit for about 57 days and then depart. 

The fact is, it's not really a moon at all, but a rock, more specifically an asteroid that is caught up in the Earth's gravitational pull and is too light to enter the Earth's atmosphere. It will be in our skies for 57 days, although it won't be visible to the naked eye, as it's far too small. 

This mini moon is called PT5 and belongs to an asteroid belt that goes around the sun while following Earth. It arrives on the 29th September 2024 and expected to leave on 25th November. Basically this mini moon guest is here for Halloween! 

She Wolf Night

Monday 23 September 2024

Irish tales of a giant, fox lady and werewolf

Ireland is rich in folklore, and filled with stories of the paranormal. It's got much more unexplained reports that are mysterious than most countries and it's a very ancient land. There are myths and legends surrounding places that are still haunting and eerie. However, I'm just going to mention a few of these tales and weird events that happened in recent times in Ireland.

The Giant's Causeway is a place full of legends about a man named Finn McCool. He was a folk hero and would be responsible for the construction of the Giant's Causeway, using power, strength and magic. He loved to go hunting with his hounds. He also belonged to a military order of warriors, called The Fianna, who also went hunting during the season. They also went fishing, and certain potent wisdom was earned from eating a salmon that was caught in River Slate. Finn had an arch enemy, the giant Benandonner also called "The Red Man", who lived in Scotland. So the Giants' Causeway was built to reach Scotland as a bridge. While this story is much longer and epic, I want to point out that something, and it was a massive door in the Giant's Causeway was caught on camera, which some believe is the secret dwelling of a giant that some claimed to have witnessed. Some believe it's a hoax. Watch and see, then make your own judgement. Video of the door at Giant's Causeway on Youtube.

And now for the next story. The fort of Cahervagliair or The Fort of the Sons of Laoighaire is a dreamlike place with surrealistic beauty and a ringfort. Located in Coppeen in County Cork, Ireland. The ringfort has an impressive stone entrance and remarkable features, estimated to have been built sometime in 1000 BCE. Some believe this is a significant place about a race of people called the Cineál Laoighaire and this means descendants of legendary kings of Munster in ancient times. Local stories in modern times are about this site, and a connection with a mysterious woman who was either red haired or a shapeshifting fox. It might've happened in the 19th century or early 20th century. Some have said she could've been a witch, a fairy or just a normal woman concerned about the place. She was looking out for the sacred ringfort and opposed to the workmen who were stealing from the ringfort. They told her that they were looking for materials to help build a school, which has now since become known as the "old school". No one knew who the woman was and they never saw her again. 

In 1132, a priest in Ireland was travelling alone, journeying from Ulster and headed for Meath. He came to the woods and night fell, so he made himself a small fire to camp there. A wolf emerged from the trees and the priest was startled, mostly because the wolf was talking in human language. The wolf was invited to sit near the fire. The priest was weary and probably delirious, as he listened to the wolf speaking. Wolf explained that he was really a man suffering a curse. Every seven years he and his human wife would both transform into wolves. The priest listened and felt sorry for the wolf. Wolf told him that his wife had become sick and needed help. The priest was not sure at first but he agreed to help the wolf. By morning, the priest visited the wolf's den, found the frail she-wolf and gave her viaticuum. The grateful wolves thanked the priest and told him which road to use. The priest went on his way safely. Irish werewolves are friendly.      

Now for more on Irish legends of werewolves, visit We Are Star Stuff blog page on "Faoladh: Werewolves of Ireland"  HERE

She Wolf Night

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Harvest moon

 Soon there will be a full moon and this means werewolves in folklore traditions. The full moon in September is called a Harvest Moon, which is magical and full of mystery. It has an orange colour and represents the time of agriculture. Fruits, vegetables, crops, gathering and making food storage and preparing herbs, spices, onions, garlic, peppers and salt to preserve meat. Making breads, ginger, cake, soups, brewing teas, medicines to take for the coming cold and flu viruses. 

September is dark and cool, with colourful warm leaves and falling fruits, collected by humans and wild animals. It's also a time where schools, churches and villages prepare harvests, charities at food markets, a number of fairs, fetes, festivals. Summer is fading, and the fallen crisp leaves bring in signs of Autumn. We all expect this and enjoy the season every year, but more and more people are forgetting the scary creepy stories, the superstitions and the eerie sensations of the paranormal that grows this time of year. 

The Harvest Moon is a time when werewolves are believed to be more active. As this time nears the Autumn equinox, a period where the veil lowers, there's going to be more strange and paranormal activities, because of the strength of moonlight, and nights getting longer. The Harvest Moon appears larger and more luminous, increasing the powers of the otherworldly. Most of the time werewolves hunted in isolated woodlands and forests but the Harvest Moon causes them to hunt in wider areas, appearing in open fields and on hills. Increased sightings of creatures (phantoms, spirits and cryptids, mainly werewolves or "dogmen") during September's moon and often seen. Usually these sightings occur in the open such as near main roads and behind houses. Farmers were always on the alert at night, because they worked in the fields and were likely to get attacked by werewolves. Harvest moon werewolves would be extremely dangerous and therefore folklore tales and warnings about them kept people indoors. 

She Wolf Night

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Wolves attack a woman jogging

There is the fairy tale by Brothers Grimm called "Little Red Riding Hood" about a young girl that walks through a forest to visit her sick grandmother. Walking into the forest with predators has always been a warning to children at an early age, as the story teaches them right and wrong. There are some who like to go out for a run at certain times. Others like to just have a stroll through familiar places and explore unknown territory as many hikers would agree. But there are those who like to go for a spontaneous run in odd places. Such was the case of a woman in France, who decided to go for a jog in Summer 2024. She put her own life in danger and paid an awful price. 

She was a real life Little Red Riding Hood. She ventured out into a forest but unlike the girl in the storybook, this woman was well aware that predators could be around. The location was in a restricted wildlife park and it was as if she wanted to risk it. Ignoring the signposts giving warnings, she had to pass through areas off limits, just so she could jog along a path there. However, the woman ended up being surrounded by wolves. 

Soon after hearing her screams, staff at the wildlife park quickly went out and rescued her, and then sent her to hospital. The wolf attack left her with severe injuries and she struggled to speak. It's believed that she passed away and her relatives wanted to take this further. They blamed Thoiry Zoo, although the park officials said the woman had to have seen the signs as she entered through gates. While some argue that she never understood the signs making the passage off limits, others believe she had to have known it was used for safari cars only. 

More to this story at YouTube by the channel Final Affliction HERE but be warned. 

She Wolf Night  

Thursday 5 September 2024

Magical squirrels


Well it's that time of year when we see squirrels gathering food, especially nuts, conkers, acorns and tree mushrooms. Red squirrels don't really like acorns as much as grey squirrels though. Reds change this month for getting a new coat for the Winter. Autumn is associated with various colours of falling leaves, red, brown, orange, pink, yellow. Squirrels are associated with Autumn too, along with foxes, deer, groundhog, monarch butterflies, mice, barn owls, hedgehogs, badgers, crows, bats and spiders. 

Besides the fact squirrels are just cute with bushy tails, they have a magical reputation that goes way back into ancient times. From the epics of Norse mythology to the shamanic stories of the Native Americans, squirrels have always been playing an important part in legends about creation, realms and spiritual journeys. To understand what I mean, visit this insightful page "Squirrel, fuzzy messengers... mythology" at Ancient Origins.

There is a link with Cinderella and red squirrels, and it isn't just Autumn pumpkins. Her famous glass slippers were not really made of glass but squirrel fur. Her magical shoes were soft booties made from the pelt of red squirrels. Her glass slippers in the traditional fairy tale that we know are verre of the French to mean glass, but earlier it was vair, which means "fur". Some believe that fur slippers would've fitted anyone's feet so they changed it, while others think there was a mistranslation. Fur shoes were very nice and considered fancy in the past but not in the 17th century when Charles Perrault wrote the story of "Cinderella" that we know of. It was a much older oral tradition story though but before Perrault, Giambattista Basile had wrote down "Zezolla: Cat Cinderella". To read this one visit Dreame.

There is an urban legend of a ghost squirrel in Dorking, England. Dorking is a picturesque market town going back centuries ago since the Roman occupation. Apart from Roman influences and coins found is the legacy of the Dorking Cockerel, a local symbol. Found in the county of Surrey, Dorking is well known for its ghostly beautiful Silent Pool as well as a phantom squirrel. 

This ghost squirrel was talked about amongst people for years, especially children who liked telling spooky stories. It turned out to have been a real squirrel that lived, an albino called Albi. Sadly this wonderful creature stepped into the road and passed away but is still a loved memory. Read more of this well loved Albi and is remembered still at newspaper article "Remembering Albi" on Get Surrey.  

She Wolf Night

Sunday 1 September 2024

Spooky quicks September 2024

This is mainly about quick lowdown of stories to do with anything paranormal, ghosts, cryptids, even research. It's only short stories based on news and articles I've found recently. I shall be posting more like these every month.

Dreams and telepathy, studies made in 2024 showing people who were lucid dreaming were able to move a car. More about this and other dreams: The Conversation link article here.

A magical landing happened, as if an angel protected this child. In France, a 4 year old boy fell from his bedroom window at 43 metres. He lived in a tall apartment block building. When his father noticed he was missing from his room, he saw his son on the ground below. With a grieving heart, he rushed down to his son, only to discover that by a miracle he was alive and well, with only a scratch. More on that in Oddity Central here.

Ghost video clip shows a phantom passenger on a bus in India: Ghost clip 

Werewolf creature sighting in a video clip: Source Unexplained Mysteries.

On bizarre news, fishermen have found a creepy vampire fish (link BBC story).

That will be all for now.

She Wolf Night